Vademecum line
For trade show organisers
Your exhibitors want their booth to make a strong impression. Technology plays a fundamental role in this respect. The Vade Mecum line of A.S. Technology ensures that technical solutions are within everyone’s reach. And your customers don’t need to be qualified engineers.
Event Technology as a standardized option package
Compiled into a technical handbook or exhibition guide A.S. Technology is offering 8 complementary standardized technical packages. The ideal tools to help you optimize service to exhibitors.
Download our free Vademecum.
Surplus: This service is linked to an interesting commission option, allowing your organisation to generate additional revenue.
The 6 assets of the Vademecum line of benefit to you
- Each handbook can be customized to suit your corporate identity.
- Each handbook is available in (at least) three languages.
- The prices include full site installation and dismantling once the trade show/conference is over.
- Transparent commission calculation method.
- Billing through your organisation or directly to the exhibitor: you choose.
- A single point of contact for the coordination and administration.
How can you implement this Vademecum in your trade show or exhibition?

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Contact us. We will gladly help you turn your trade show into a success.
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